1. What shape and size is your required profile or tube ?
2. What wall thickness is needed (ideally an even wall) ?
3. What is the application ?
4. Does the extrusion fit into or onto any other component ?
5. What material is suitable for this application ?
6. What is your cut length requirement ?
7. What quantity will you require and how frequently ?
8. Is there any special packaging requirements ?
9 What is the temperature range required ?
10. Are there any secondary operations required ?
Please fill in our enquiry form. The information below will help you with the type of information we’ll need. Try to give us your requirements by answering all ten questions below. If you are unsure, drop us a line and one of our trained staff will contact you.
Remember to include your contact details when submitting your form. We always try and get back to you within the next two working days. Thank you for using our website.